FIELD WORK on inter-cropping IN BURIRAM

The objective of EcoRubber is to measure the cumulative effects of rubber plantations on ecological functionning of the soils.

Another aspects, concerns the ecological and economic consequences of intercropping during the first years of rubber trees' plantation, i.e. before canopy closure.

A site was identified near Buriram that could host our experiment, firstly beecause this region is representative of areas with rubber extension in NorthEast Thailand and secondly because some owners are particularly interested in collaborating with researches on ecological and soil biological researches.

Preliminary survey from K. Tum (Feb)

<== Report of a one-day mission to find legume intercrops in rubber tree plantations at Buriram (Thailand).
This mission was done in February and was determinant to find and select relevant plantations and farmers interested to collaborate with our project. The reports contains many photos that illustrate intecropping and farming practices.
Field trip at Buriram report.doc
Microsoft Word Document 2.4 MB

Work meeting (4th June) about field work at Buriram (23/24 June)

 The objective of this work is presented in a message from Alain Brauman (27/05/2014):


Dear Colleagues,

 Under the frameworks of LMI Luses, and KKU rubber group, we decided to set up this year an experimental layout in Buriram area. The objective is to assess the impact of legume's intercropping on soil functioning and tree physiology.  You will find enclosed a powerpoint presentation where I  grab some basic elements on this experiment including objectives, a first description of  the  experimental layout done by Fred Gay (based on Tum girth measurements) and some beginning ideas on the type of measurement need to be done.

 The experiment will be set up the 23 and 24 of June at Buriram with I hope most of you.

 On order to finalize the setting of this field experiment, I plan  to meet you the 4th of June in KKU. Khun Kiriya has accepted (thanks for that) to take in charge the organization of this meeting. 

 The 4th of June we will need to decide

1-  the type of legumes we will put in the experiment

2-  the type of measurements  need to be done

3- who is doing what (students involved)

4- budget (this experiment is co funded by the LMI LUSES and by KKU rubber team)

I know that you are all very busy, but this experiment will be one of the main field exp. of the JEAI  ECO-RUBBER project. So your implication on this is just vital for its success.

Best regards



Buriram exp. layout 1-06-2014-1.ppt.pps
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 2.7 MB
2010 The successfully grown intercrops i
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.1 MB
2012 Miracle of Calopogonium caeruleum (
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB
2013 Recommendations for planting legume
Adobe Acrobat Document 854.8 KB

Report of the work meeting (4th June 2014)

Dear Colleagues,
First I would like to deeply thanks my KKU colleagues from their participation to the Buriram meeting which was held the 4th of June at KKU.  You will find enclosed an update of the ppt presentation of the project.
We have made some significant progress on the experimental design and on the parameters which will be measured, in short: 
1- We select 3 legumes for intercrop : Mucuna bracteata / Calopogonium caeruleum/ Pueraria phaseloides (it appears that comestible legumes such as long bean required too much water, insecticide fertilizers etc..) 
2-The To sampling will be done the 23-24th of june. 
Below a preliminary list of participants (the ? mean that they need to check their availability) 
- Supat  KKU (?)
- Kiriya  KKU (one day ?)
- Chutinan (one day ?) 
- Prakaijan (?) 
- Som (master student of Prakaijan) 
- Wasithi  (master student of Kiriya) 
- X master student of Yupa
- Kee (PhD student of Alain) 
- Philippe Thaler Cirad KU
- Frederic Gay Cirad KU 
- Alain Brauman IRD 
- Tum assistant TICA
- Kasem assistant TICA 
- 3 labors at the station. 
3- We have a more specific idea of who is doing what but in that term there is still a problem on :
- NPP and Tree physiology aspects, these aspect are under the responsibility of Supat and Fred Do with the help of our KU CIRAD partners  but there is no master or student involve on this point. 
- Soil physical and chemical characteristics, our partner from LDD region 5 Oam was supposed to take this part in charge but I don't have any recent news on that point. 
4- Concerning the parameters need to be measured and the schedule ! 
You will find in the excel sheet joint to this mail,  all the parameters, which should be measured in a n ideal world. Please could you check carefully that 
a) the list is complete for your area of expertise (soil, tree physiology, agronomy, N fixation, soil biodiversity etc..) 
b) the details link to the measurements are realistic and suitable (schedule, To time, soil depth, repetition, number of samples etc.) 
c) the list of person in charge including students. Concerning that point, we have to be realistic, if there is  parameters where we do not find any students or researcher(s) deeply involved in the data sampling and analysis, we will need to skip these parameters
Its important that you take a little time to check carefully these parameters because it will be much more difficult to change them after the setting up
I am very optimistic about this experiment which gather a lot of the LMI LUSES- JEAI members. Thanks again for your deep involvement !!! 
Best regards,
<== updated version of the project presentation.
Buriram Exp. 05-06-2014.ppt.pps
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 2.2 MB
<== Schedule of measures.
Buriram measure's schedule.xls
Microsoft Excel Table 32.5 KB